Tuesday, February 5, 2013

I Lost My Best Friend

Hey blog buddies,

I won't have a new blog post today relevant to my blog. I just wanted to let you all know what's going on.

I know the title of this post says "Lost my best friend" and I did...My horse, she was my best friend. I loved her and would ride her every day after school (when I was in high school). We walked to nowhere and I would talk to her and vent to her. Nobody else would listen or they got tired of listening to me.

I guess actually I will have a new blog post, because we all need a friend, one friend that we can go to and talk to. I've lost the friend that I went to and talked too. I don't really like to just talk about my feelings to anyone, not everyone cares; some people are just nosy.

I guess what I am trying to say is, if you are one of those people straight, gay, lesbian or bisexual. There are things that you're keeping inside of you, and I know for a fact that if you let them sit there, they will only build up and cause you pain, from there it spirals out of control.

Don't do that. Everyone needs to vent. Find a person that you can trust, don't just pick ANYBODY, because as I said before, not everybody cares, some people are just nosy.

Please don't choose me, I do care I promise I do, but I'm not the one to give advice if you're having a real problem.

With that being said, I will have a blog post up for everyone next week. I'm praying I'm in a better condition.

Until then, Peace and Blessings

Sonny J   

1 comment:

  1. I totally understand and believe in this blog 110%!!! Everyone needs to have that one person to vent to. I am so thankful that I know a lot of people and they always know whn I am feeling down because they ALWAYS know how to make me feel better! - Bekah Grace
