"You don't know how it feels
To be outside the crowd
You don't know what it's like
To be left out
And you don't know how it feels
To be your own best friend on the outside looking in."
--Jordan Pruitt; Outside Looking In
Well, to start off with I hope everyone is having an excellent day!
Anyway, since this blog is geared towards LGBT college students I will talk about something that I know has always been a issue with those who may be in the closet or who have recently came out the closet, or those who know someone who is in the midst of this battle. Actually...This can apply to just about anyone!
I've never fit in, no matter where I go or what I do. I've never fit in. I've always been different and I've come to accept that. I have a few tips for those coming into college who might be afraid that they won't fit in.
Now that I've been here in college for a year and a half there is to me only ONE thing you need to know
Yes, you heard me right. BE YOURSELF, in high school I know that I changed to make other people happy. My high school wasn't really accepting of me being gay. So I never showed it.
Being yourself is a guaranteed way to get rid of 95% of the people that you DON'T want in your life.
Now you may ask me "But Sonny, how do you know that will work for me, I'm weird and smell like wet dog."
Well first, gross, there is a reason that you smell like wet dog...You need to get that checked out by a doctor. Second, I'm weird also, and I recently read a quote that some say was written by Dr. Seuss and it reads, "Be who you are and say what you feel, because those who mind don't matter and those who matter don't mind."
Those are words never truer. Don't worry about what people will think about you when you get to college. Nobody cares you're gay, straight, bisexual, or lesbian. Nobody will care if you want to dye your hair blue with hot pink highlights! I go everyday not really worrying about what people think of me.
When I got here the first thing I thought was, "dang I'm gonna have to relive high school ALL over again, the football team is gonna end up using me as their ball" Nope. That didn't happen at all. In fact, I'm cool with many people on the football team. In fact, around campus I'm known as "the cool gay guy". I didn't do anything but be myself.
So, what I want you do today is BE YOURSELF. Don't be afraid to open up and speak your mind. You'll find that you might have more in common with people than you realize.
With that being said, Peace and Blessings
Sonny J
I think this holds true for eveyone - not just LGBT. It's sad to live a life trying to impress others. Being yourself means that you feel good and that you knows your friends really like you for you.