SonnyJ here,
Sorry I didn't get a blog post out last night (hopefully you weren't waiting up for one!) I have great news! Last week I posted about a student who had called me the F word, and a homo and being extremely ignorant and what not.
WELL! I spoke with the Office of Student Affairs here on campus and they gave me a few options and I'm quite excited with the option that they have given me.
Justice has been served. They gave me and the student (more importantly for him) a non-contact order and if the students breaks this contract then it's immediate suspension. Now, they told me that it has to apply to me, but i specifically said "I don't want to see the student, so you have my word that I'm not going to break the contract"
While all of this was going on, it got me to thinking. You have to fight for what you want, and you can't give up or else nothing will get done. For a lot of us, we are fighting for equality and if we want to see a change then we're going to have to keep pushing and fighting until we win. The picture below goes WELL with this, because in this picture all of these involved a fight and they overcame because no one gave up.
What are your thoughts? Has there ever been a time in your life that you wanted something to change and you fought for it and it changed? Or did it not change? How did you feel about it?
With all this in mind, have a great Monday!
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